Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hoyobuilds?

Hoyobuilds is your one-stop site for character builds, character combinations, and upcoming update predictions for Genshin Impact and Honaki: Star Rail. Our reviews will help you bring out the best of your favorite characters’ role, equipment, resource priorities, and teammates. We also track the content and development cycle of both games to help predict when and what will be coming in the future.

Where does the review content come from?

Our team consists of day-one players (and even some closed beta testers). We have experience and understanding of the games’ mechanics, but we don’t claim these reviews are comprehensive. They’re ultimately our opinions. As the games get larger, the roaster of teammates and equipment grow as well. We can’t cover every situation and build, nor are we here to min-max rotations and clear times. Use these reviews along with the knowledge of your own account to decide what’s best.

What are Character Combos?

Have you ever wondered exactly how many short Anemo boys there are? Or how many Hunt characters hail from the planet Jarilo-VI? At Hoyobuilds, we track aspects of characters to find which areas are left empty, and to gain an insight into Hoyoverse’s character creation decisions.

How do you get the dates & times for the Update Schedule?

Since the release of Genshin Impact in 2020, Hoyoverse has a fairly steady release schedule with the only hiccup during peak Covid.

The current pattern is a new update every 6 weeks with a livestream, character tease, beta, and banner change at set intervals in between.

While Star Rail is young, we believe the release schedule will follow a similar pattern.

Remember: all dates and times are subject to change until they have been officially announced. We will adjust accordingly if patterns change.

Where do you get the Predicted Content from?

The predicted content for each patch comes from analyzing patterns. For example, since patch 2.0 in Genshin Impact, there’s a steady pattern of two artifact sets every 3rd patch. In 2.0, 2.3, 2.6, etc. Another example is at least one new character releases every patch. Patterns like these help us predict what content could possibility release in future patches.

These predictions are nothing more. Just Predictions. Nothing should be taken as fact until officially announced.

Are leaks allowed?

We do not take leaks or content from the betas into consideration for any area of the site.

Characters and content are only added after being officially released.

How frequently are new reviews published?

Currently, we will try to publish one new review per week. Since this is a new site, we have a lot of characters to catch up on. Bookmark us and be sure to check back often!

How do I support the site?

The best way to support this project is by enabling ads and sharing the content with the community. Following us on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram helps as well.

While visiting and sharing is more than enough support, we have a KoFi (Coming Soon) if you’d like to make a donation.

Hoyobuilds wouldn’t be possible without your support. We appreciate you!